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Please register for our "Open Mat" program with the link below!!

 Click here to REGISTER!!

No Gi Jiu-Jitsu:

This program is designed for students who are looking to begin or increase their skills in Jiu-Jitsu. Class will be taught by a Purple Belt Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

All MCRPD Martial Arts classes will be instructed in an "Open Mat" format where the student can safely develop skills and learn from highly educated and experienced instructors with an emphasis on personal growth, self-improvement, discipline, respect, promotion of strength, flexibility, mental well-being, self-confidence, and agility.

Please wear non-baggy comfortable clothing you are able to move easily in. Classes will be taught Barefoot. Mouthguards are highly recommended.

Classes will be: Mondays & Thursdays STARTING MAY 6TH-2024

Classes held at the Fort Bragg High School Wrestling room at the Gym