MCRPD Hoop Upgrade Project, Oct 25, 2018

The Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District (MCRPD) Youth Basketball programs provide great opportunities for kids in Grades K-8 to learn about the game and develop lifelong skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship. Currently District basketball program participants use the Fort Bragg High School gym as well as the court at the Old Rec Gym on the corner of Franklin and Laurel St. Effective this year, the District discontinued play on the previously implemented hoop extensions at these locations due to the risk factors assessed during the beginning of the 2018 season.
The District’s goal is to upgrade the existing hoops and add to each a Bison® Zip Crank Adjustable Shooting Station™ with a goal of installation by mid-December of this year. These improvements will provide opportunities for District athletes, as well as the local Special Olympics basketball team, to play on hoops that are adjustable to an appropriate playing height for a variety of age groups. The inability to adjust the hoop height down from the regulation ten feet was something that presented difficulties throughout the past season and the District intends to resolve those issues with this new system.
Each sponsor logo will be placed on the front of the new basketball goals (backboards) according to the level of sponsorship. In the packet link (PDF) below you will find a breakdown of the sponsorship opportunities for this venture.
Ongoing community support has been a great benefit that allows the MCRPD team to provide the best opportunities to the community. The popularity of basketball is on the rise and the District youth basketball programming is following that trend.
Your contribution will help to enable this effort and continue to provide kids safe and reliable equipment to ensure five-star experiences!