Re-Opening of C. V. Starr Community Skate Park, May 26, 2020

Mendocino Coast Recreation & Park District
CV Starr Community Center
Re-Opening of C. V. Starr Community Skate Park
Fort Bragg, CA – May 26, 2020
Beginning Tuesday May 26th 2020 the C. V. Starr Community Center Skate Park will be conditionally open to community members.
Please be advised that there will not be restrooms or hand washing areas available as the
C. V. Starr Community Center is closed.
- Patrons are asked to bring and use personal hand sanitizer and continue to use good hygiene practices to help control the spread of COVID-19.
- Maintain social distancing of 6 ft.
- If someone is waiting in a place where you would like to start your run from, please allow the person in front to go before you start your run. Wait in line at least 6 ft back.
- Facial Coverings are not required while skating; however, compliance with the County Health Officer’s Order on Facial Coverings is required when you are not skating. (waiting in line for a run, waiting outside the park)
- No more than 10 people in the Skate Park at one time.
- Do not sit on the benches.
- Do not loiter. When you are done skating leave the facility.
Users of the Skate Park should abide by all skate park rules as well as the following guidelines provided by the Mendocino County Health Officer:
- avoid entering the recreation site if they have a cough or fever
- maintain a minimum six-foot distance from persons who are not part of the same household or living unit
- sneeze and cough into one’s elbow
- not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact
- wear facial coverings at all times (when not skating)
- not use any facilities or equipment that are closed
- not engage in sports or other activities that use shared equipment.
If these guidelines are not followed the Skate Park will be closed.
If there are more than 10 people in the Skate Park, please wait outside and away from the entrance. Users please be courteous if people are waiting limit your visit if possible.
Questions about the use of this area can be directed to Carly Wells, C. V. Starr Community Center Administrative Supervisor at 707-964-9446 .106